Stunt Driving Lawyer – When Do You Need One in 2025?

The Ontario government wants to improve the situation on the roads and protect both drivers and pedestrians as much as possible. Thus, in April 2022, new laws against stunt driving, street racing Ontario, unsafe and aggressive driving were introduced under the Moving Ontarians More Safely Act (known as the MOMS Act).

Since that date, every driver engaged in stunt driving, and street racing will face huge fines ($2,000 and up to $10,000 + 25% victim surcharge), lower speed threshold, extended vehicle impoundment and licence suspension period, harsher post-conviction penalties (including lifetime licence suspensions).

And once you’ve got a stunt driving ticket, having a good lawyer on your side is a must. No one wants to lose their ability to drive and pay harsh penalties, right?

Stunt Driving Lawyer – Traffic Ticket Lawyers VS General Lawyers & Paralegals

So, you got busted for stunt driving in Ontario, now what? The only thing you want to know is who can help you to get rid of this offence and win the case. Of course, asking your lawyer, who helps with your document flow or some business-related procedures or even criminal charges, to fight your traffic ticket in court, might not be the best option. And we’ll tell you why.

Let’s pretend that someone has problems with their eyes. In this case, he/she doesn’t ask his/her cardiologist to help them to treat their eye disease. Instead, the person goes to an ophthalmologist who specializes in eye and vision care, right? 

Both cardiologists and ophthalmologists are doctors, and they know the general principles of the functioning of our body, but they have different specializations and experiences in their own spheres. Theoretically, a cardiologist can recommend some treatment for your eyes, but he can’t guarantee positive results.

The same logic applies to lawyers, paralegals, and traffic ticket lawyers. Basically, your family lawyer or paralegal could help when you’re charged with a traffic violation, but who knows if he/she is going to succeed with it.

Why Stunt Driving Lawyer Might Be The Best Option For You

As you may understand, the first and main reason is experience. Unlike the general lawyer or paralegal, the lawyer for traffic tickets faces cases related to traffic violations only on a regular basis. They’ve been working with it for many years and know traffic law (the Highway Traffic Act) inside and out.

Whereas most lawyers regularly deal with civil, criminal etc. laws and don’t have the possibility to perfectly study and implement all Highway Traffic Act peculiarities in traffic court (for example, there is a difference in defence strategy for stunt driving Ontario G2 drivers and fully licensed drivers). Practice makes perfect, remember?

In fact, there might be lawyers who cover their real experience with fake reviews, and in reality, have never dealt with traffic violations directly in traffic court… and you may be his/her first client in this domain. Are you sure that you can entrust him with your driving freedom?

Moreover, the best stunt driving lawyers and licensed paralegals attend traffic courts, study each judge’s tactics and each prosecutor’s approaches, and styles of negotiation, and talk with police officers almost daily. They master their craft, and gain invaluable knowledge and experience while trying to understand a given issue from different angles and points of view. 

Often, traffic lawyers or traffic ticket paralegals are former police officers. This means that they have a thorough understanding of legal procedures and know some loopholes in how to fight traffic tickets in a proper way.

All these factors dramatically increase your chances of getting the desired results in court, keeping your driving record clean and avoiding insurance rates increase.

The majority of lawyers usually have dozens of cases in civil or criminal law, and you’ll need to wait in a long line. And at the same time, they typically charge 3-4 times more money for their services than traffic lawyers. Considering the stunt driving lawyer cost is more affordable and specialized, isn’t it a bulletproof reason for you to choose a professional to save your driver’s licence?

Stunt Driving Lawyers And Criminal Convictions

It is also worth mentioning that traffic offence lawyers can resolve charges with criminal convictions and serious jail time. So, don’t worry if you need such kind of support. They know all the aspects, methods of law enforcement, and court procedures that can help you to avoid a criminal record.

How To Choose The Best Stunt Driving Lawyer in Toronto and in the Whole of Ontario

Okay, this is a tricky question because, obviously, the authors of this article are a bit biased:-)

Nevertheless, whenever it comes to choosing a traffic ticket lawyer to fight your stunt driving ticket, you need to pay close attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Experience. The bigger – the better. 
  2. Specialty. Hire a lawyer or paralegal who specializes in the types of offences similar to yours (traffic violations).
  3. Cost-effectiveness. Traffic ticket lawyers are generally more affordable compared to other lawyers, who charge relatively huge sums of money for their work. You need only traffic offences professionals. 

At X-COPS, for the last 20 years, we’ve been fighting traffic tickets and rendering high-quality legal services to citizens across Ontario.

Since the beginning, traffic ticket cases and driving violations have been our primary and SINGLE focus. We’ve already saved driving records clean from unwanted demerit points for thousands of our customers and helped them avoid additional expenditures (fines and insurance premiums). With stunt driving tickets, we’re dealing every day.

For us, our clients are all valuable partners and no way around it. When we initially consult them and tell them our price for services, we always take into account a person’s current life and financial situation because staying human and providing support to each other is what really matters these days.

Fighting for the best possible outcome in each case is a matter of honour for us. Call us for an FREE consultation today with one of the traffic ticket experts!


Here we've prepared a short list of frequently asked questions in order to provide quick answers to anyone who's looking for information associated with the topic. If you need more clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

👉Do I need a lawyer for stunt driving Ontario?

Yes, hiring a lawyer is highly recommended. A conviction for stunt driving entails fines up to $10,000, 6 demerits points, from 1-year licence suspension, vehicle impoundment, possible jail time (up to 6 months) and driver improvement course. A lawyer can help reduce these penalties, navigate the legal process, and protect your driving record and insurance rates.

👉How can you beat your stunt driving or racing charge in Ontario?

1. Hire an experienced lawyer: They can build a strong defence and negotiate with prosecutors.
2. Challenge the evidence: Question the accuracy of speed measurements and officer testimony.
3. Identify procedural errors: Look for mistakes in how the charge was issued or evidence handled.
4. Negotiate a plea deal: Reduce the charge to a lesser offence like speeding.
5. Present mitigating factors: Show a clean driving record or lack of intent to endanger.
Consult with a qualified stunt driving lawyer to determine the best strategy for your case.

Thank you!