Looking for help with traffic ticket in Toronto?

Don't let anyone limit your driving liberty.
  • Over 20 years of experience fighting traffic tickets in Toronto
  • NO obligation - just talk to one of our specialists to figure out how we can help you
  • 98% Success rate
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    Traffic ticket lawyers in Toronto

    X-COPS – a small paralegal firm with driving violations and traffic charges speciality. An exceptional team of skilful paralegals, former prosecutors and police officers who decided to use their unparalleled practical experience and expertise with ONE single goal – helping people to fight traffic tickets in Toronto and defend their freedom in the best way possible.

    What distinguishes us from other traffic lawyers in Toronto?

    • We are specialists.We’re focused on traffic tickets and driving violations only (acc. to the Provincial Offences Act).

    • We don’t let our customers wait in a large queue. We devote sufficient time to everyone and personalize our legal services depending on the peculiarities of each traffic ticket in Toronto.

    • We provide our clients with a personal number of the traffic ticket paralegal they are working with to ensure they always have support in any situation.

    Need more arguments?

    We do not hesitate to meet with our clients at their residences, during the weekends, working hours and even after hours.

    Want an appointment with a lawyer on a weekend?

    Received a traffic ticket in Toronto and need urgent consultation at 9pm on Friday?



    Speeding Tickets

    Despite the fact that it is one of the most “popular” traffic ticket in Toronto, exceeding speed limits has serious consequences that include up to 6 demerit points, fines (depend on the kilometres over the speed limit), licence suspension etc. Hiring traffic tickets experts is the best way to reduce your chances to get max. penalties in the court.

    Toronto DUI | Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm

    Impaired driving can lead to disastrous consequences and turn your life upside down. It may result in huge fines, imprisonment, losing your driver’s licence or even a job, and a criminal record. Having a Toronto DUI lawyer on your side is a must!

    Stunt Driving

    Although it’s not a criminal offence, the penalties and consequences of stunt driving in Toronto are quite severe. Vehicle seizure and licence suspension, jail up to 6 months, fine range from $2,000 to $10,000 … and that’s not the whole list. X-COPS knows how to deal with such traffic ticket in Toronto and can help to save your driving licence and history.

    Failure To Stop At Red Light

    Instead of paying $325 and getting 3 demerit points, call the best traffic lawyer Toronto, explain your situation and develop the defence strategy. It will save your money, time and nerves.

    Hit and Run

    Every driver is required to remain at the scene of an accident and report about it. Otherwise, 7 demerit points and licence suspension are inevitable. If you’ve got such offence do not hesitate to get a FREE consultation from X-COPS and possible solutions for your traffic ticket in Toronto.

    Driving Without a License

    A conviction for driving without a driver’s licence will stay on the driving record for 3 years and may result in $1,000 fine. Cooperation with traffic lawyers will increase your chances to get rid of the offence and keep your pocket full. Contact X-COPS to get a free consultation about your traffic ticket in Toronto.

    Seat Belt Ticket

    Every driver and all his passengers under the age of 16 should wear seat belts in the proper way while driving. If not – you may face penalties up to $1,000 and 2 demerit points. This traffic ticket in Toronto has some specifics and, when it comes to fighting it, it’s better to rely on professional legal advice from traffic paralegals from X-COPS.

    Distracted Driving

    Do you like eating, texting, calling, reading, etc. while driving? Be ready to spend at least $610 for fines and get your licence suspended for up to 30 days. Distracted driving is strictly controlled by the government that’s why prosecutors are very severe in handling such traffic tickets. Support from professionals is recommended.

    Improper Driving Violations

    Don’t lose your chance to get rid of an improper driving traffic ticket in Toronto. Save up to $500 fines, 4 demerit points and keep your driving record clean with X-COPS.

    Disobey Stop Sign

    A conviction for disobeying sign ticket will stay on your driving record for 2 years, might result in 3 demerit points and in $110 fine. Even if it looks like a “simple” ticket for you, it’s not so easy to develop an effective defence strategy and get rid of the offence without the help of traffic tickets paralegals.

    Driving Without Insurance

    It is forbidden by the law to operate a motor vehicle without valid insurance. If you don’t comply you may face big financial losses: fines can be up to $25,000, 50% insurance premiums increase. In case of subsequent conviction driver’s licence suspension for up to 1 year is unavoidable. Do you need more reasons to hire traffic lawyers Toronto and get professional support in traffic ticket defence?

    Driving Under Suspension

    Another serious traffic ticket in Toronto. Once you’ve had a temptation to drive while under suspension, you need to be ready to hire an experienced traffic ticket paralegal. Otherwise, you’ll end up with fines or your driving licence suspension for up to 6 months or imprisonment or even both.

    Careless Driving

    Careless driving is quite a serious traffic ticket in Toronto, covering a lot of different offences and involving huge fines (up to $50,000) and imprisonment. That’s why it is strongly recommended not to try to handle it alone, but to get the professional support of Toronto traffic tickets fighters, who will go to court on your behalf.

    Failure To Move Over For Emergency Vehicle

    If you’re charged with the move over traffic ticket in Toronto, you can face the following penalties: 3 demerit points, fines up to $2,000 and licence suspension for up to 2 years. Seek for the help of the best traffic ticket fighters Toronto to check your best possible outcome.

    Failure To Report An Accident

    If charged with fail to report an accident traffic ticket in Toronto, we do not recommend paying the ticket or going to court without talking to a Toronto traffic ticket lawyer. The conviction will be registered on your driving history for 3 years and affect your insurance rates significantly.

    HOV Lane Ticket

    The fine for this traffic ticket in Toronto is $110, but don’t hurry up to pay it. Keep in mind that it’ll stay on your driving record that will significantly influence your insurance rates. Hire a knowledgeable paralegal and forget about this traffic ticket. X-COPS has vast experience in handling such offences.

    Failing To Stop For A School Bus

    Prosecutors and judges treat this charge as a serious offence. Thus they won’t just drop such a traffic ticket in Toronto. You may get 6 demerit points, licence suspension, and fines up to $4,000. Professional support is a must.

    We’re On Your Side

    Frankly speaking, we have the same goals as you:

    Save your money

    When you decide to pay your traffic ticket in Toronto, eventually it might cost you a lot of money. First of all, you’ll need to pay the ticket fine (which automatically results in an admission of guilt). Secondly, you’ll end up with demerit points on your driving record, which leads to another problem – increased insurance rates for several years. It’s relevant not only for serious violations but often even small convictions result in insurance premium increase. Hence, you’re risking ending up with quite unfavourable consequences, especially if you decide to go to court alone. On the other hand, by utilizing our experts’ experience, you’ll be able to raise the probability of a positive outcome for your traffic ticket in Toronto court and, as a result, significantly increase the chances of saving money for yourself.

    Save your time

    When you hire us, you avoid wasting time for making your own research, preparing facts, arguments, and statements for court procedures related to your traffic ticket in Toronto. Our team will handle the entire process instead of you – we’ll prepare a strategy, documents, and effectively represent your interests in court. X-COPS – your reliable traffic ticket fighter in Toronto!

    Save your driver’s licence

    The ability to preserve all your driving privileges is extremely valuable nowadays. Especially taking into account traffic conditions in the city of Toronto. A suspended driver’s licence is a real nightmare for every driver, and hence should be avoided at all costs, if possible. Partnering with X-COPS could genuinely be the best option given our track record, team, and speciality.

    Don’t just pay the fine or go to court alone


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