Looking for help fighting your traffic tickets in Vaughan?

We will make your issue as easy as possible.
  • Over 20 years of experience fighting traffic tickets in Vaughan
  • NO obligation - just talk to one of our specialists to figure out how we can help you
  • 98% Success rate
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    Traffic ticket lawyers in Vaughan

    X-COPS is an expert team of prosecutors, former police officers and independent paralegals, who are prepared to provide you with an effective defence against all types of traffic tickets and driving violations. Our skilled traffic ticket lawyers share more than 20 years of experience and have helped thousands of customers to defend their rights.

    Why we are the best traffic ticket paralegals in Vaughan?

    • We are specialistsWe are working ONLY with traffic tickets and driving charges (according to the Ontario Highway Traffic Act).

    • We ensure an immediate response to our clients. The sooner you call us, the more effectively we’ll be able to prepare a personalized legal defence strategy, considering all aspects of your traffic ticket.

    • We provide our clients with a personal number of our traffic ticket lawyers for continued support and consultancy for the case.

    Need more reasons?

    We are very mobile and can arrange a meeting at any place convenient for you, even at your home.

    Are you working until 6.00 pm and need an after-hours appointment? – No worries, we are ready to meet anytime!


    Seat Belt Ticket

    2 demerit points, penalties up to $1,000 and increased insurance premiums. Remember, you get only one chance to beat your seatbelt ticket in court, make it your most successful one with X-COPS.

    Distracted Driving

    Prosecutors won’t just let such tickets go. The help of a knowledgeable traffic ticket lawyer is obligatory. They know how to withdraw your charge, avoid $610 fine and licence suspension.

    Failing To Stop For A School Bus

    Prosecutors won’t drop such serious cases as failing to stop for a school bus. Professional legal support is a must. Otherwise, be ready to get 6 demerit points, pay fines up to $2,000 and get your licence suspended for 30 days (at least). We don’t recommend to plead quilty.

    Failure To Stop At Red Light

    Avoid $325 fine, 3 demerit points and insurance premiums rise with the help of the most qualified team of paralegals in Vaughan – X-COPS. There is always a way to fight traffic ticket or to reduce the charge.

    Failure To Report An Accident

    If you’ve got involved in a collision, and personal injuries and property damage are over $2,000, you must report about it. If not – you will pay $85 penalty, get 3 demerit points and your insurance rates will definitely be increased.

    Failure To Move Over For Emergency Vehicle

    A conviction for this offence can cost you up to $2,000 and will stay on your driving record for 3 years. In combination with 3 demerit points, it may lead to a dramatic insurance premiums increase. Subsequent offences have more severe consequences. Contact traffic paralegal to understand your options!

    Careless Driving

    A conviction for careless driving can carry 6 demerit points, hefty fines and jail. Don’t think that the prosecutor will just let you go. Schedule your free case evaluation to understand how X-COPS could fight for your driving freedom.

    Driving Under Suspension

    Without proper defence, you could face fines, license suspension and time in jail (up to 6 months). Moreover, these strict penalties apply only for the first offence, subsequent convictions will result in more serious consequences.

    Driving Without Insurance

    Penalties for this traffic ticket start from $5,000 and the insurance companies will definitely utilize your conviction for rates increase. If you’ve found yourself in such a serious situation, you need to seek help from a professional paralegal to avoid such harsh consequences.

    Disobey Stop Sign

    It happens that some of us missing stop signs. And, unfortunately, it has not pleasant consequences: 3 demerit points, $110 penalty and, as a result, insurance rates rise. Experienced traffic tickets paralegals know how to avoid all those issues and save your money.

    Stunt Driving

    Why face an increase in insurance premiums, risk the suspension of your driving licence and be forced to pay hefty fines when a simple call to X-COPS – Vaughan traffic ticket lawyers – will make a difference? We provide a free consultation!

    Fail to Remain

    Many people think that it’s easier to pay the ticket and avoid all those difficulties of attempting to defend yourself. However, you could be facing a tremendous penalty of up to $2,500 and get 7 demerit points, so it is worth trying to clear your name with a traffic lawyer.

    Improper Driving Violations

    Call X-COPS today to check exactly what we could do to have your case dismissed. Our skilled team of traffic lawyers will make everything possible to prevent you from paying huge penalties and receiving demerit points.

    Driving Without a License

    Being caught driving without a licence can affect your wallet as well as your possibility to drive. So, the best choice for you in fighting your charge is hiring a qualified traffic ticket expert from the X-COPS team.

    Speeding Tickets

    Speeding tickets are very “widespread” in Canada. It may look not so complex, but some difficulties can occur for the uninitiated. Fight your traffic tickets with experienced paralegals to avoid all the problems and negative consequences.

    HOV Lane Ticket

    3 demerit points will contribute to your driving record and result in insurance premiums increase. Fight this charge with the help of a traffic ticket lawyer in Vaughan to defend your driving privilege.

    We’re On Your Side

    X-COPS, your trusted traffic lawyers in Vaughan, doing its utmost to: 

    Save your money

    Our company will stop at nothing to fight your traffic tickets and prevent you from paying fines or getting your insurance premiums increased. We provide affordable paralegal services with no hidden costs.

    Save your time

    Our traffic paralegals have extensive experience in trial cases and could prepare everything and vigorously represent you in Vaughan traffic courts. Meanwhile, you’ll spend all that time with your family.

    Save your driver’s licence

    We can protect you from the risk of accumulating points on your driving record and your licence suspension because we know how it is important to preserve the ability to drive nowadays.

    Don’t just pay the fine or go to court alone


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