Need urgent help with traffic tickets in Uxbridge?

Don’t let anyone limit your driving liberty.
  • Over 20 years of experience fighting traffic tickets in Uxbridge
  • NO obligation - just talk to one of our specialists to figure out how we can help you
  • 98% Success rate
CALL NOW:416-901-3030

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    Traffic ticket lawyers in Uxbridge

    X-COPS - a boutique style paralegal firm that specializes specifically on driving violations and traffic offences. We are a professional team of independent licensed paralegals (over 20 years of experience), former police officers (over 12 years service on the force) and prosecutors who decided to resort to their unprecedented practical knowledge and experience with one single goal - helping people all over Ontario to fight urgent traffic offences and defend their driving freedom in the most effective way possible.

    What sets us apart from other traffic lawyers?

    • We are specialists.

      Traffic tickets and driving violations is our single focus.

    • Our clients do not become another number in a large pool of people. We dedicate maximum time to everyone according to complexity of each individual case.

    • Our clients receive personal numbers to each traffic ticket paralegal they are working with to make sure they are always able to reach them in any situation.

    Want even more reasons?

    We cater to our clients by meeting them at their residences, during work hours, weekends and even after hours.

    Want an appointment with a lawyer on a weekend?
    Need to call us at 9pm on Friday?
    No problem!


    Speeding Tickets

    Exceeding speed limits has been probably the most “popular” moving violation amongst Canadians in the last few years. Consequences vary greatly and depend on the number of kilometers over the speed limit in each specific case. Consult with a traffic ticket lawyer.

    Over 80 Charge Ontario

    Facing an over 80 charge in Ontario can lead to serious consequences like criminal records and hefty penalties. Protect your future by consulting our skilled DUI lawyers Ontario. We’ll navigate the legal process, striving to minimize the impact and secure the best outcome for your case.

    Refusing Breathalyzer in Ontario

    Refusing a breathalyzer in Ontario can lead to significant penalties, including hefty fines, licence suspension, criminal charges, and a lasting criminal record. Consult a DUI lawyer in Ontario to protect your rights and minimize the consequences.

    Dangerous Driving Ontario – Criminal Code

    Dangerous driving charges in Ontario carry severe penalties, including criminal record. Don’t take any chances with your future – contact our Ontario criminal lawyers for help navigating the legal process.

    Stunt Driving Ontario

    In addition to 30 days licence suspension and vehicle seizure for 14 days you are facing 6 demerit points and up to 6 months in jail. Traffic ticket lawyers from X-COPS can help you effectively fight stunt driving charges as we have already helped numerous drivers to keep their licences and avoid severe punishment in Ontario.

    DUI in Ontario | Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm

    Impaired driving can lead to disastrous consequences and turn your life upside down. It may result in huge fines, imprisonment, losing your driver’s licence or even a job, and a criminal record. Having an impaired driving lawyer in Ontario on your side is a must!

    Careless Driving

    Careless driving tickets form a “serious category” of traffic offences (with a few others) that requires a 100% professional representation in court otherwise it may have a sad end for a person trying to tackle it alone.

    Driving Without a License

    Driving without licence is a serious and strong prerequisite for getting $1,000 fine and 3 years conviction on a driving record. If you’ve already got in trouble, you need a traffic ticket lawyer to tackle the case in the most effective way possible (the sooner the better).

    Driving Without Insurance

    According to the law, no one is allowed to operate a motor vehicle without valid insurance. If you get caught driving without insurance, the case might lead to huge financial penalties (up to $25,000) and a licence suspension for 1 year. Therefore, a bulletproof traffic ticket defense is mandatory!

    Disobey Stop Sign

    If you have a conviction for failing to stop for a stop sign, it might result in a fine of $110, 3 demerit points and driving record presence for 2 years. Make sure that you’ve taken all the available options, consequences and traffic ticket solutions into consideration before going to court to fight ticket.

    Cell Phone Ticket | Distracted Driving

    Calling someone with a cell phone, texting, reading (books, maps, newspapers etc.), smoking, personal grooming, eating etc. while driving are against the law and might result in $615+ fines and up to 30 days licence suspension. In order to fight Ontario traffic tickets related to distracted driving it’s generally recommended to resort to the help of traffic ticket fighters.

    Fail to Remain – Criminal Code 

    Fail to remain Criminal Code charge entails a minimum fine of $1,000, criminal record (for life), licence suspension for up to 10 years and jail time. X-COPS criminal lawyers provide FREE initial estimation of your case with no obligations! Confidentiality is guaranteed.

    HOV Lane Ticket

    Every driver in Ontario should follow the rules of using the HOV lanes. If not – they will be charged with improper use of high occupancy lane. Penalties: 3 demerit points and $110 fine. This is a minor offence our traffic ticket fighters have much experience in dealing with for almost 10 years since they have been introduced.

    Failure To Report An Accident

    The HTA requires to report accidents that involve property damage or personal injuries over $2,000. If you don’t follow the law, you can get fine, demerit points and even more serious consequences. Don’t plead guilty without comprehensive legal consultation.

    Failure To Stop At Red Light

    Don’t hurry to pay your fine of $325 and receive 3 demerit points. Instead, call the experienced traffic paralegal, tell your story and discuss the appropriate defence strategy. This is the best option if you really want to relieve your stress, save money and time.

    Seat Belt Ticket

    2 demerit points and a minimum fine of $200. Drivers are required to properly wear seat belts at all times and ensure all passengers under age of 16 seatbelts are properly secured in the front and back seats on all roadways.

    Fail to Remain / Hit and Run

    7 Demerit points and possible jail time. You are required to remain and report any accidents even if there were no other drivers involved. Our FREE confidential consultation will provide you with a piece of mind for you to avoid potential problems with your driver’s licence in future.

    Improper Driving Violations

    Traffic offences associated with improper driving carry the possibility of receiving penalties of up to $500 and up to 4 demerit points depending on your specific case.

    Driving Under Suspension

    Another “serious category” charge that requires an experienced traffic ticket paralegal in court. Unless you want to end up with thousands of dollars in fines and half a year license suspension, having the best traffic ticket lawyer on your side is absolutely necessary.

    Failure To Move Over For Emergency Vehicle

    If you don’t comply with the move over law, you might get 3 demerit points, pay fines up to $2,000 and even can lose your licence for up to 2 years. An experienced traffic ticket fighter will determine the most appropriate course of action to fight your charge. Don’t go to court alone.

    Don’t just pay the fine or go to court alone


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