Disobey Stop Sign

Ontario Stop Sign Ticket

Every driver in Ontario is expected to obey a traffic sign to allow other motorists to proceed with caution at intersections to avoid accidents. Once drivers fail to stop at stop sign they’d be committed an offence under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, section 136(1).

According to the Highway Traffic Act, every driver or street car operator approaching a stop sign is required to make a full and complete stop at a certain place:

  • at a marked stop line;
  • or (if there is no marked stop line) before entering the nearest crosswalk;
  • or (if no crosswalk) before entering the intersection.

Here full and complete stop means to stop your vehicle’s wheels from moving (please note, that a “rolling stop” is also a reason to issue a disobey stop sign ticket). The exact stoppage time is not specified.

Failing to stop at a stop sign in Ontario will result in a traffic ticket with its all consequences.

Penalties For Failure To Stop At A Stop Sign Ontario

Actually, disobey stop sign ticket is the most “widespread” in Canada and results in fines and penalties in case of conviction.

  • 3 demerit points;
  • $110 fine (unless it’s reduced by a court);
  • increased insurance rates.

Despite the fact that disobey sign demerit points remain on your licence for a maximum of 2 years (from the offence date), insurance companies can charge you extra money for up to 3 years until it’s not shown on your driver’s licence abstract anymore.

Important: once you’re convicted for disobeying stop signs or any other road signs, it remains on your driving record in perpetuity. Thus it may have an impact on getting some governmental jobs, such as police, military etc.

Yes, penalties are not so harsh as for a stunt driving charge. Nevertheless, having a disobey sign ticket on your driving record can be easily used by your insurance company to raise your insurance premiums for up to 3 years.

How To Fight a Disobey Sign Ticket in Ontario

Although it might look like a simple traffic ticket for you, without a clear understanding of peculiarities, it’s very difficult to develop a good defence strategy with a complete charge withdrawn. That’s why hiring a professional lawyer or paralegal who knows how to beat a stop sign ticket in court Ontario and has a huge experience in this field will be the best option.

But if you don’t want to have legal representation here are our recommendations on how to fight a stop sign ticket in Ontario:

  • File your disobey stop sign ticket with the court within 15 days.
  • Get a date with a prosecutor to discuss a possible substitute offence (if you’re sure that police officer has good evidence to prove your failure to stop at a stop sign).
  • Often even if a trial option is selected, a court will send an early meeting with a prosecutor date to first ensure there is a good reason to go to trial and only after a discussion about possible resolution has taken place to save court costs by offering a substitute offence resulting in less or 0 demerit points.

  • Before showing up to trial make sure you have a good defence strategy and prepare for a trial (questions to the police officer, witnesses, etc.). By the way, there is a possibility to increase your chances to fight disobey sign traffic ticket if the police officer will not show up at the court for your trial. 
  • Show up at trial and advocate your driving freedom.

Peculiarities of Fighting Disobey Stop Sign Charges

In reality, there is no clear information in the Highway Traffic Act about how long you have to stop at a stop sign in Ontario. We only know that a motor vehicle should come to a full and complete stop. It means that a police officer can have a different (with driver) perception of time or viewpoint could be quite questionable.

But it’s a rather common excuse that is often heard in court. Hence, you’d better get legal advice from a traffic ticket paralegal, who will prepare you for every possible scenario and explain how to get a stop sign ticket dismissed or reduced.

When there is a shortage of detailed blueprints regarding fighting a stop sign ticket Ontario properly, generally it’s not a good idea to rely on your friend’s previous experiences. All cases are different and have their own specific.

Our professional paralegal can thoroughly review, estimate your current situation and provide the best possible bespoke solution specifically for YOU and your stop sign violation.

We’re not interested in increasing your insurance rates or paying huge fines, we sincerely want to help you to keep your driving record clean and save your time! So, don’t lose your chance and call X-COPS NOW!

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    Here we've prepared a short list of frequently asked questions in order to provide quick answers to anyone who's looking for information associated with the topic. If you need more clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

    👉Do I need to fight a disobey sign ticket in Ontario? What if I just ignore it or pay the fine?

    If you pay the fine you plead guilty automatically. Moreover, you'll get 3 demerit points and increased insurance rates for up to 3 years. Hence, we definitely recommend fighting any ticket.

    👉How long does a stop sign ticket stay on my driving record in Ontario?

    Once you’re convicted for disobeying any road signs, it remains on your driving record forever. Demerit points remain on your licence for a maximum of 2 years. The insurance company can see it on your driver's licence abstract for up to 3 years and will most certainly use it to increase your insurance premium during that time.

    👉What's the quickest and most effective way to beat a disobey stop sign ticket in Ontario?

    The best way is to hire a professional lawyer or paralegal who knows how to beat a stop sign ticket in court and has a huge experience in this field.

    👉What are the penalties for a ticket for not stopping at stop sign in Ontario?

    3 demerit points; $110 fine (unless it’s reduced by a court); increased insurance rates for up to 3 years.

    👉What is the fine for not stopping at a stop sign in Ontario?

    The fine is $110 (unless it’s reduced by a court).

    👉How many demerit points for failing to obey a stop sign in Ontario?

    Three demerit points. They will remain on your driver's licence for a maximum of 2 years.

    Don’t just pay the fine or go to court alone


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