Stunt Driving

Stunt Driving Ticket Ottawa

Getting a stunt driving charge is quite a serious offence in Canada. Performing a stunt may cost you a lot of money, driver’s licence suspension, jail and, in the end, will influence your insurance rates.

Once you’ve got a summons to court for stunt driving in Ontario under section 172(1) of the Highway Traffic Act, you have to know all the details.

Let’s take a look at them!

What is a Stunt Driving Charge

The HTA states that no one is allowed to drive a motor vehicle on a highway in a manner of contest or race while making stunts or on a bet.

Any of the following driving acts can constitute a stunt – which is essentially a departure from the normal operation of a motor vehicle on the highway (according to the new stunt driving laws that came into force in July 2021):

  • Speeding 40km/h or more over the posted speed limit if the limit is less than 80km/h;
  • Speeding 50km/h or more over the posted speed limit if the limit is 80km/h or more;
  • Driving a car at a rate of speed that is a marked departure of the speed limit. “marked departure from the lawful rate of speed” means a rate of speed that may limit the driver’s ability to prudently adjust to changing circumstances on the highway.
  • Attempting to turn left at an intersection before the opposite direction traffic had an opportunity to pass first and safe;
  • Driving a motor vehicle at a rate of speed 150 km/h and more;
  • Racing by distancing yourself from another vehicle or vehicles with rapid acceleration; 
  • Driving a motor vehicle without due care or attention to other motorists on the highway just as stated in Careless Driving Charge;
  • Pulling sleds, carrying persons in the cab of the pick-up truck or regular trunk; 
  • Passing one or more vehicles at the rate of speed exceeding the speed limit;
  • Driving a motor vehicle while sitting not in the driver’s seat;
  • Chasing another vehicle;
  • Trying to step out of the motor vehicle by letting go of the steering wheel or standing on the motor bicycle;
  • Any type of wheel burn out, doughnuts or popping a wheelie on the motorcycle.

Basically, anyone who exceeds the speed limit by more than 50km/h can get a traffic ticket for stunt driving.

Also, from 12 Sep 2021, section 172 of the HTA is applied to some off-road locations: parking lots, bike paths and trails. 

Parking lots include: 

  • any public or private parking lots, garage or structure;
  • any commercial, private or industrial parking lot or any other empty lot that public doesn’t have access to;
  • any parking lot with or without paid access, no matter whether payment is made by the driver or the driver entered it without permission. 

Please note, that section 172 of the HTA does not apply to race tracks, motor speedways and go-cart tracks (places that are designated for stunts and street racing).

Is stunt driving a criminal offence? – NO, it’s not. But, penalties for performing a stunt are severe.

Penalty for Stunt Driving in Ottawa

According to the Highway Traffic Act stunt driving charges may include:

Stunt driving first offence in Ottawa:

  • 6 demerit points;
  • jail up to 6 months;
  • immediate motor vehicle impoundment for 14 days;
  • minimum fine – $2,000 and up to $10,000 plus 25% victim surcharge for the first time;
  • immediate licence suspensions for 30 days;
  • driver’s licence suspension upon conviction: from 1 to 3 years.

Second offence:

  • 6 demerit points;
  • jail up to 6 months;
  • immediate motor vehicle impoundment for 14 days;
  • minimum fine – $2,000 and up to $10,000 plus 25% victim surcharge for the first time;
  • immediate licence suspensions for 30 days;
  • driver’s licence suspension upon conviction: for up to 10 years.

Third offence and subsequent:

  • 6 demerit points;
  • jail up to 6 months;
  • immediate motor vehicle impoundment for 14 days;
  • minimum fine – $2,000 and up to $10,000 plus 25% victim surcharge for the first time;
  • immediate licence suspensions for 30 days;
  • lifetime driver’s licence suspension upon conviction.

Failing to pay your fine resulting from stunt driving will get your driver’s licence suspended automatically.

Having a record for performing a stunt on the highway will impede your ability to get insurance in the future, prompting you to pay high-risk insurance companies that charge at least 300% more per month for at least 3 – 6 years!

What To Do If You’ve Been Charged With Stunt Driving in Ottawa?

  • Immediately after getting an invitation to court for stunt driving stop using your vehicle under any circumstances.
  • Before going to court prepare proof that your driver’s licence has been reinstated (if possible). This will give a chance to resolve your case to a speeding offence.
  • Try to recover your motor vehicle as soon as possible to avoid expensive towing and storage fees and possible charges for driving while under suspension.
  • Appear in court in person or you may hire a professional stunt driving lawyer, who can appear on your behalf, and fight your traffic ticket.

*Bear in mind that insurance companies do not provide coverage to motorists who knowingly decide to drive a motor vehicle while under suspension. Reinstating your driver’s licence before getting behind the steering wheel is essential, even if you had to drive for work the next day.

Important: if you have even one conviction for stunt driving, it won’t disappear from your driving record after 3 years. It’ll stay with you forever. Hence, in subsequent offences, it’ll lead to higher fines and more severe punishment.

At the same time, if you already have a record, it can seriously hinder your ability to apply for jobs in governmental institutions (where perfect driving history is a must) in the future. 

How to Beat Stunt Driving Charge in Ottawa?

There is no universal strategy how to fight stunt driving in Ottawa. But anyway, if you’ve got this traffic ticket, there are three options for you:

  • Plead guilty and pay the ticket (not recommended).
  • Fight your ticket alone (read the detailed instruction below in the next section).
  • For your best defence get legal advice and hire a stunt driving lawyer or paralegal, who will prepare an effective strategy and all documents on your behalf.

If you chose to fight your stunt driving charge alone, here is a brief guide:

  • In case if you don’t have legal representation, be ready to show to a prosecutor that your licence has already been reinstated for plea negotiations.
  • Prepare all necessary documents or letters with relevant information to your case. Usually, it takes between 1 to 3 court visits to complete the procedure.
  • You must appear in court on a specified date and ask for a trial. 
  • At trial date the police officer will attend and present their evidence to the court.
  • Before trial, prepare questions for the police officer and other witnesses, related to your charges for stunt driving. Questions must be asked in such a way so that you get answers, which prove that the situation was different than the police officer’s version.

When it comes to fighting stunt driving charge Ottawa make sure to make research about previously resolved cases. This can help to understand under what evidence and arguments the court makes a decision.

The whole process is quite stressful and requires a cold mind and good strategy. Any wrong (even small) step, in the beginning, can lead to conviction or can have a poorer outcome than it could be.

Thus, in this case, the best strategy is to consult with a knowledgeable paralegal and get legal advice. 

X-COPS is dealing with such cases almost every day, so we’re ready to provide you with the best possible result. Just make a call today!

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